The wig isn't perfect, or made for her but it will do. IT WILL DO.
I can say I'm rather excited about tomorrow. I haven't been in cosplay out in public for quite some time, especially not here in this tiny town. I know people will look at us but we don't care! We love to express our individuality and creativity! Nothing wrong in that and no harm either.
I know my friend Kay-chan will be going as Shigure. She's working on the Kimono tonight! Talk about over night cosplay! w00t. I think Ne-chan will be Noodle from the Gorillaz~ I'm not sure who else is going. My sis might join us but she doesn't have a costume. I gave her some suggestions but I don't know....if anything she likes taking photos (she's the one who does my photoshoots) so she can at least get some nice shots of us. ^___^;
Well, I should get back to working on the ears....I'll update tomorrow on how it goes. Hope you all have FUN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!