Sheik Got the Job!

Yes I did. I got the job! I'm super happy to be working now. I will be earnin' my money and earning experience working with children.. eep!
It's going to be an adventure but I definitely need to grow up.

So on the topic of cosplay since this IS suppose to be my "nerdism" blog... I have been really leaning toward cosplay OOT Sheik again. I mean I never let the dream go. I just really think I am ready to make it. I have avoided spandex for a few reasons but I might...just might..cheat and work off an already made zentai suit. I don't know. It depends. I won't work with shiney. At least I'm hoping I can avoid it. :[ Any thoughts on this?

I really love Sheik. Obviously. So I want everything accurate. I will look for the perfect wig and I will get my eyes checked eventually for good contacts so that I can have the red eyes.
I even want to start stretching and perfecting cartwheels so I can do some awesome photo posin'.
I LOVE SHEIK. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. It must be perfect. Or close to that. ;__; She is just an awesome character. Yes, I refer to Sheik as a female. :P

On another note, I started playing Spirit tracks again. It's pretty fun and cute. Kind of annoying dealing with that..tower thing but uh aside from sneaking around bad guys, it's fun. :] I haven't been playing Harvest Moon as much but I'm in Winter of the first year and Julius has NOT asked me out. =__= How will I ever get married at this rate? I've given him soooo many presents and he only has 3 hears meaning we're just friends. This game made becoming more than friends way harder than it really is. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree...seeing as he loves perfume, roses and pumpkins but I dunno. I might have a chance! AHEM.

But ah..yeah. I posted a new video on my youtube today. You can check it out if you'd like. I think I will go now though. My tummy hurts. ;___;


A Day at the Park in Cosplay!

International Cosplay Day. It was fun! Only a few of us were able to attend but we still had lots of fun just goofing around. We had a few stares but there was this one guy who walked by and was like, "Nice cosplay!" and we were like "..... oh....thanks!!!" We weren't expecting anyone to know what we were doing because we live in such a "Small-hick-town"...kind of place. XD Yeah.....I mean I live in Hyrule.-cough-

In anycase! It was fun. We played in the playground area, took pics and made videos. I was going to upload a video but my computer was having issues with the program and was refusing to export the edited movie. ;__; So I can't upload it to youtube yet!!! Made me mad. I wanted it up last night. I'll try again though. I'm sorry. :[

I also texted quite a handful of people wishing them to have a happy International Cosplay Day!! Unfortunately my fiance doesn't cosplay so he said he wasn't celebrating it. I think he gets jealous of cosplay since it takes lots of time and money away... I don't know. He's a very inward person so dressing up + pictures are not his thing. XD It's friends were lots of fun and hilarious. But uh yeah. What did you guys do yesterday? Did you all dress up? :]

Kisa Sohma it is!

The wig isn't perfect, or made for her but it will do. IT WILL DO.

I can say I'm rather excited about tomorrow. I haven't been in cosplay out in public for quite some time, especially not here in this tiny town. I know people will look at us but we don't care! We love to express our individuality and creativity! Nothing wrong in that and no harm either.

I know my friend Kay-chan will be going as Shigure. She's working on the Kimono tonight! Talk about over night cosplay! w00t. I think Ne-chan will be Noodle from the Gorillaz~ I'm not sure who else is going. My sis might join us but she doesn't have a costume. I gave her some suggestions but I don't know....if anything she likes taking photos (she's the one who does my photoshoots) so she can at least get some nice shots of us. ^___^;

Well, I should get back to working on the ears....I'll update tomorrow on how it goes. Hope you all have FUN TOMORROW!!!!!!!!


Sorry for the lame-o caps! I'm freaking out. Okay not freaking, but I am reaaaaaallly NOT sure who to cosplay as for "International Cosplay Day".

I have a few options in mind but I don't know. I kind of just want to make one before Friday. I think that's a bit insane though considering there's only 2 days before Friday. Ugh. Why did I wait this late?

I think my friends and I are going to get into our costumes and hit up a burger joint or something then probably take pictures / make videos for the heck of it because of the "holiday". I think it's going to be fun and neat! ^__^; Tonight I hung out with some of my friends. It has been a while but it was nice. Although we have a nice handful of differences, we have cosplay that is usually the main topic. Actually, it's all we talk about. Or mostly what we talk about. I'm fine with not talking about cosplay though... I mean I've been fine knowing I'm not really working on anything. Perhaps once I start having an income I will jump into some crazy projects. I don't want lots of simple costumes. I want epic costumes. Costumes that scream "I TOOK A LOT OF TIME BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!!" XD Ahhh perhaps it is the artist in me.

Anyway, I'm pretty tired now. I think I will sleep. Let me know if you'd like to see me in a certain costume.......

What are you guys (my followers..hehe) going to wear on International Cosplay Day? :]

Keepin' busy.

So I'm just chillin' at my laptop that I have set on the bar counter with a little fan blowing in my general direction. It's nice to be able to just relax again.
EEEEEEEEEEEEE.....My mom just started the blender and it startled me XD SO MUCH FOR RELAXATION.... Nah, I don't mind. She's blending up ice and frozen Orange juice to make orange slushies for us. They're really good! ^_____^;;

I can say that today went well for me. I went to church and talked with Kailey's mom about a job that I'm thinking I have a REALLY good chance at getting. I already have her recommendation and I've been a Christian all my life so I am way comfortable sharing about the Lord with the kids. Oh yeah! I didn't mention the job earlier did I? Yeah. It's basically this intern job where I will be a leader for this kids program at the church called KidMo. I will be making sure lesson plans are planned out, help plan out games and lead the children around. I'll also tell them stories from the Bible whenever other leaders aren't able to be there. I'll be on "level one" for a while so I won't be doing TOO much but I will be paid! I'm so happy to be getting my foot in the door. I've been jobless since I took a break from school. This means I can go back to school next semester. I refuse to take out loans so maybe I can get some financial aid too. The job won't pay a lot, it's part time but for now it's experience and such. Never thought I'd be working with kids but a job is a job and I've been praying about this! ^_^;

What else did I do today... well I helped babysit my little cousins for about 5 hours and then I came home and worked on my curtains. I put some new ones up. I kind of gave them my own touch though... but eventually I'll put up even better curtains. After that I took in some jeans because they were too baggy on the legs. I messed up and so they're half way finished..XD One leg came out too tight. I hate having to rip seams...T________T

Ohh my slushie is all ready. Yay. I'm going to go now.

I hope you all had a fantastic day!

My Luxray ears are done...they've been done. I'll take pics when I'm done being lazy about it!



I haven't worked on anything lately.

I'm kind of on a break or something like that. I haven't been able to fully function enough to work my machine that well so I'm keeping my fabric in its bag and yeah. This means no Sac Anime.

I've been going through things, as my personal blog says and so I haven't been doin' much. I'll be okay....though.

I really miss my fiance and I'm trying to find a job and my place in the world. My belief in God has pulled me through this, well not the belief in Him. Just that He has helped me, Himself.

I will be better again and I will be better than EVAR D:!!

I just want to apologize that I won't be updating this much with any cosplay stuff.
So...I'm sorry :[

I still kind of upload videos online..sort of.

I started on Fado, messed up again and haven't touched it since. T_T



I've been making some money lately and it feels good. I don't even want to spend it! It's in the bank now and I feel at ease. I have some in my piggy bank too. I'm really happy people like what I make and want to buy it! I recently sold one of my bags to someone in New York! Maybe this is a way of getting my designs out. I don't know ^-^; I just love design and making things. It's not something I could live off of (not right now anyway) but it's definitely a way to earn money while I don't have a "real job." My family has been helping me too. They give me their clothing to fix (like aunts and uncles..). If I fix my mom's, I don't charge her at all. She's giving me a dang place to live!

Aside from this, I've been growing closer to God again and I feel like myself again. I've been struggling with some anxiety/depression so I went back to my bible reading and encouraging music. It has definitely been helping. I just need to find a home church I feel really good in. You wouldn't believe how different churches can be and how hard it can be finding one! o-o; Ahhh.... I've been missing Robby a whole lot too. Sometimes I wish I had friends around here who were either engaged or in a long distance relationship, like mine..and by "like mine" I mean they've been with the person for quite some time. It gets rather difficult..and it's good to see other people being strong in theirs too.~ I think the only reason, aside from our strong love, is that God has helped Robby and I through our tough times and we've survived! Ahhhhhhhhh how I love Babidee soooooooooooo much and I love God soooooooooo much for blessing me with Robby. (Babidee = Robby XD!).

^___________^ Soooooooooo anyway. Today I already ran some errands. I sent off some stuff, sent off a letter to Japan and then put my money in the bank. I am tempted to buy a wig but I think I'll wait until I get even more money and know I can afford to buy it and some other things. For now I'm going to save my money. :] Meaning---AVOID BURGER KING O___O!! Small meals, and cheap things do this thing we call...ADDING UP..... I had less in the bank than I thought and I looked at why...and it's because I bought food here and there. =__= When I could have waited until I got home!

Okay well. I think I've ranted enough. I'm going to go look at some stuff I could possibly make.


Lazy, lazy bwutt~

I've been lazy. Sooo no new cosplay stuff.
Fail. Right? T__T
Still on the fence with Sac Anime! Kind of leaning toward the Yes side
but I still don't know.

Some of you already know of this but I added a new video to my youtube.
I sing. Sometimes. Not well but I really do like to sing! (Who doesn't? D:)
I'm not a shower singer though, I'm DEFINITELY a car singer XD

I LOVE L'arc~en~Ciel. Hyde's voice is love to my ears~