Next stop, Fanime!

Hi guys!

AOD was pretty fun and all but I spent most of my time inside the malls and our hotel room more than the actual con itself. So I can't really judge on how fun the convention itself was... but whatever! My friends and I won best presentation runner up which was surprising and cool at the same time. We worked hard for that dang skit and it was our first time doing a voice recording so we're so glad it came out well! ^~^;

Next up in line is Fanime. The con I have been waiting for. I love it more than Anime Expo I think and I've been to AX 3 times already and Fanime only 2 times! Heh. I don't know, it's not too crowded but it's definitely not empty. I love the hotels being close and the weather. I also love the friends I've made there, the swap meet, the raves, the atmosphere, the convention center. Anime Expo was great at Anaheim but the Staples center is a bit too long and I end up doing more walking than I'd like to :[ So that deducted points off of AX for me. STILL I love it but Fanime comes first to far :D

I have big plans this year too so I'm going to be busy busy busy! I can't say some of what I'll be doing but I will say it's going to be awesome *~* I'll add a cosplay line-up photo or whatever to this so you can see what I'll be taking. For now I think I will sleep. I am tired....good night you guyyyzzz !!


AOD 2011 . San Francisco.

Hey thar~

Yay, Sheik actually is posting something in this long forgotten blog of hers! How rude of her to have temporarily abandon it. My apologies though. I've been busy and lazy at the same time soooo my top priorities *cough* Ps3, costuming,facebook* have been taking over. Oh and work too. Yeah, work.... I'm doing fine though! ^-^; Some personal stuff kind of went on too but not bad stuff. I'm sure some of you already read my other blog and are caught up!

Soooooooo.........AOD. I'm going to Animation On Display in like 2 weeks. It's an anime convention held at the Kabuki Hotel in Japantown, San Francisco here in Cali. It's a fun con because there's nice people, the hotel is pretty and the underground mall is like right there. It's so fun going to the cute little Japanese shops in your costume. Hehe. Sometimes it weirds the older Japanese people out but you'd think they'd be use to it! Maybe they're weirded out because we're American? Is weirded even a word? My spellchecker disagrees but sometimes it underlines words that are completely acceptable. In any case. I'm going to this con and I'm excited. I just need to actually finish my costumes.

I've decided to go as Ayame Sohma in a maid outfit "he made" and Mai from Avatar. My friends are going as Avatardz so I was like "I'll join!" Let's just hope I can afford the fabric. I'll probably go out to JoAnn's sometime soon to get it. I think today I'll work on my dress.

Also Rikku, Agitha and Bridget are OFFICIAL costumes I'll be taking to Fanime in May. I have started working on the new ones. Agitha will be touched up!

Eee..I got to go potty! I guess I'm done writing now. :D TOODLES.