AniVent Fresno, CA

Hi Everyone~!

Just reminding you all about next month's AniVent. It will be a small convention but it will be one none-the-less and I am super excited about it.
I no longer "plan" to bring my Luxray but there's still a chance I might bring it...or something else. I have a lot of brainstorming to do with that costume so right now I haven't even been working on it, to be honest. T___T; Ahh but I will do it eventually. What I have been working on though is Lavi's shirt and wig. I need to finish recoloring it and then finish touching up the shirt I bought. Most of the costume will be bought but alternated..since it's casual wear from the manga.
n_____n Sooo I won't be all crazy/hardcore for this event and I'm pretty happy about it. It means I can run around like a crazy Otaku. I hope I don't get fangirled... I mean a little attention is nice but a lot? Oy. :O! The reason I say this is because D.gray-man is kind of popular and even when my friend went as Yuu Kanda to the Ani-Jam picnic...she stepped out and some girls were like "Yuuu~!!!" XD So now that we'll actually have the 4 friends from the'll be interesting to say the least. moving onto what else is next. I'm still putting off the Fado costume that I want to take to Sac Anime. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to afford Sac Anime. I still desperately need a job but I SHOULD have one by then if I keep trying, right? Maybe I'll even borrow money to go. I really want to go. =(! I will work and clean houses if I need to..or babysit, ugh~ I just know I want to go and that PikminLink will be there and she asked me to bring my Agitha costume. :D Seeing as she is one of the cosplayers I favor, I will most likely bring it. I also want to walk around in the evening as our D.gray-man our pjs that will have a touch of our personality to them. Hehe. ^____^

But um's a photo of my Lavi progress!

We Will Be MEN.


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone. Long time no--post? I apologize. AGAIN.

I don't think I will apologize anymore. Just don't expect many post like I use to have up!

So what has been up with me? Well not a lot exactly. I've been active on other online sites but I just haven't been in the blogging mood. Since it would be too much to write about how I've been personally I think I'll just inform you all on what's going on cosplay-wise?

ANI-VENT! This is a 1 day con/event going on next month in Fresno, CA. I've been asked to be a guest and do a panel on Cosplay so that is what I will be doing! I also asked to have 3 other members of my group with me so they will be joining me in the panel. What are we cosplaying you ask? Well unless I decided completely that I won't be wearing Luxray (Due to weather or something, I don't know) I will be Lavi from D.grayman all day! Kay-chan will be going as Yuu, Ne-chan as Linali(Lenalee) and Aoi kun as Allen Walker. :] We'll all be wearing the casual outfits they wear in the manga so it'll be comfortable! Later on though for like next year, we'll wear the 3rd uniforms of their's. Even though we won't be all "hardcore" I Am SUPER excited for this. I've really grown close to the character and my friends have gotten good at getting in character. We have so many videos we want to do. xD It's not even funny....well maybe...maybe it is.

If any of you guys live near Fresno or something you should go! You can seee usss and we'll totally LIKE HANG OUT. :O But uh yaaaaaaaaaaaah...........................that's next month. July 17th. Saturday. 10am. Fresno Fairgrounds. Be there. D:

Look for us! :D

Bye guys~!!!


Princess Agitha

Princess Agitha

I had a photoshoot yesterday. It was really windy though so I had to keep fixing my hair and wings. I still had fun though. My sister was the photographer, isn't she great? :D Kay-chan was there too, she was filming....totally pulling off her Tomoyo cosplay, except in regular clothing! Hehe. But yaaaaaaaah, it was great.

I love my Princess Agithat cosplay A LOT I just hate how it takes a while to get into it because of all the details I have to becareful with and the ones I need to add on after putting on the dress. I'm not sure what con she will be going to next, it might be Sac Anime...or it might just be AOD or something. I'm not sure ^___^;

For now though I have some other costumes to work on so she will stay safely hidden in my closet of costumes and junk. I seriously need to clean that thing out. :(!

You can view more photos here:


Back on Track!

Hi guys!

^~^ I'm sorry for my lack of posting, and I know I always apologize like this too... but I really AM sorry! I've been busy and lazy, yes, lazy..... but here I am now with some cosplay updates!

Even though Fanime is over until next year there are still costumes I want to make! This summer I have only 3 in mind and that is Fado, Luxray and my Sand Bender cosplays. I'm pretty excited for them and all three of them combined will still cost less than my Princess Agitha costume XD
I won't need to buy any new wigs, my friends have offered to let me borrow their wigs. :) Which is nice of them, and they're always welcome to borrow my wigs or even costumes...!

Ahhhhh.. Alright, pictures!


Luxray (designed by me):

Sand bender:
?? No picture yet but they're from Avatar: The Last Airbender! :3 My friends are doing an avatar group of sand benders so I'm joining in!

Oh and I posted a few Fanime vids on my Youtube! Also, I have a new vlog up and I'm editing my Cosplay in America video too right now!


PEWP. I'm tired.

Yeah. The sun is coming up.

Sooooooorrrrry for lack of posts and wow...why am I even posting? I thought I wanted to but now I don't.

Check out my youtube for my new Fanime videos --- >

Fanime 2010

My Princess Agitha - Complete!

Okay. Wow. Where do I start...?

The con itself was great. It was just as friendly as the last time I was there, if not friendlier, the costumes were amazing and I saw a big variety of them. I got to meet so many friends of mine that I had only known online and I even was surprised to see a few of them there. I'm so happy I got to go, it was one of the greatest birthday gifts..ever!! D:

Debuting my Princess Agitha was great. So many people liked it and I was very happy!! It showed that my hard work paid off. The Zelda gathering was THE MOST AWESOME gathering I have ever been to. There was such variety and so much creativity in it. I've never had so much fun at one gathering. It was great. I also got to meet my faaaavoorite Zelda! She's so pretty and so sweet, she was there with InkyLink. :] Here's a pic of us!
As for the Masquerade? I'd say we did well on stage. We were so nervous though, most of us anyway so when I saw the video of us I could tell. I think next time we'll need to move a bit more and not look so bored with ourselves. I think we forgot to think about how we looked on stage infront of people.... in our minds we were just thinking, "DONT MESS UP!" heheheh. Ah well, it was fun and I enjoyed it. I didn't enjoy the stress part of it but next time we WILL BE PREPARED. We'll know what to expect so we won't be too disorganized or late with practices/showing up.

Ahh...there's so much I can say about Fanime but I really don't feel like writing it all. I had a fun time and that's what matters. I advise anyone who loves anime cons, to go to Fanime. It's a great experience and I know you'll like it! =)

Hope to see you next year, Fanime!
